Task Arithmetic can Mitigate Synthetic-to-Real Gap in Automatic Speech Recognition

EMNLP 2024

1National Taiwan University 2Stanford University


Synthetic data is widely used in speech recognition due to the availability of text-to-speech models, which facilitate adapting models to previously unseen text domains. However, existing methods suffer in performance when they fine-tune an automatic speech recognition (ASR) model on synthetic data as they suffer from the distributional shift commonly referred to as the synthetic-to-real gap.

In this paper, we find that task vector arithmetic is effective at mitigating this gap. Our proposed method, SYN2REAL task vector, shows an average improvement of 10.03% in word error rate over baselines on the SLURP dataset.

Additionally, we show that an average of SYN2REAL task vectors, when we have real speeches from multiple different domains, can further adapt the original ASR model to perform better on the target text domain.

SYN2REAL Task Vector

Overview of the SYN2REAL Task Vector. The pre-trained model is fine-tuned on source domain synthetic and real speech data, separately. The difference between their parameters forms the SYN2REAL task vector. The SYN2REAL task vector is then added to a model fine-tuned on target synthetic data to overcome the synthetic-to-real gap.

Domain Mismatch in ASR Domain Adaptation

Main Results
Figure 2: Domain Shifts in ASR Domain Adaptation

In the context of automatic speech recognition (ASR) domain adaptation, domain mismatch can be broadly classified into three categories:

  1. Acoustic Variation Mismatch: This mismatch refers to differences in speech caused by variations in acoustic properties.
  2. Textual Topic Mismatch: This mismatch involves discrepancies in the subject matter or style of the textual content.
  3. Synthetic vs. Real Speech Mismatch: This mismatch refers to the acoustic differences between synthesized speech generated from text and actual spoken speech.

In this work, we aim to adapt ASR models from source textual domains with real speech and text data to a new textual domain with only text data. We leverage data synthesized from off-the-shelf text-to-speech (TTS) systems to address this textual topic mismatch. Figure 2 illustrates the domain shifts we focused on in ASR adaptation, depicting the challenges of bridging both the textual gap (source vs. target domain) and the acoustic gap (synthetic vs. real speech). While previous works have shown that adapting ASR models using synthetic data effectively addresses textual topic mismatch, ASR models trained on synthetic data often underperform compared to those trained on real data due to mismatches between synthetic and real speech. To overcome this limitation, we propose the SYN2REAL task vector, a novel approach designed to bridge the acoustic gap between synthetic and real speech data, enhancing the performance of ASR models in domain adaptation.

SYN2REAL Task Vector

Framework for SYN2REAL task vector in Domain Adaptation for ASR
Figure 3: Framework for SYN2REAL task vector in Domain Adaptation for ASR.

The framework in Figure 3 illustrates the process of creating the SYN2REAL task vector by subtracting the parameter differences between a model fine-tuned on synthetic speech (Source Synthetic) and a model fine-tuned on real speech (Source Real) from pretrained ASR (PASR). This task vector is then applied to the target synthetic domain (Target Synthetic) to improve ASR performance by bridging the gap between synthetic and real speech data.

Main Results

Main Results
Table 1: Word Error Rate (WER) Performance Across Various Target Domains. Comparison of the baseline Whisper model and the model enhanced with the SYN2REAL task vector generated by BARK. The SYN2REAL task vector shows an average WER reduction of 10.03% across various target domains. Target Synthetic ASR refers to the baseline that is finetuned on 17 domains (excluding the target domain) real+synthetic data followed by synthetic data from the target domains in the SLURP dataset.


  title={Task Arithmetic can Mitigate Synthetic-to-Real Gap in Automatic Speech Recognition}, 
  author={Hsuan Su and Hua Farn and Fan-Yun Sun and Shang-Tse Chen and Hung-yi Lee},